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We provide solutions based on unmanned systems and geographic information systems technologies. We provide services in the field of photo- and video-documentation, photogrammetric, multispectral studies and measurements of air composition and quality. With years of experience of our team in training of pilots-operators of unmanned aerial vehicles and implementation of many projects using drones, we provide the highest safety standards for the implementation of tasks commissioned to us.

We believe that unmanned technologies can significantly improve the quality of life for entire communities, increase the efficiency of businesses by reducing costs, and truly increase safety. With these ideas in mind, we have become pioneers in providing air quality measurement services. Our measurement teams can be found in many places in Poland, where together with local services they work for the benefit of health and life of Poles. In order to constantly develop our technologies we have joined the MapAir research and development project, the aim of which is to develop a modern unmanned solution allowing for area-based air quality diagnostics.

DRONpol.com brand is part of the Tomkov Group and was created to provide services for Local Government Units in the use of drones and modern information systems. By choosing to cooperate with us you gain access to the offer of other brands of the Tomkov Group, such as specialized training in the DRON.edu.pl center; delivery of specialized equipment through the Nextron.pl store.



The MapAir system uses a network of sensors (stationary, mobile and placed on drones) to create a three-dimensional map of the air. Special software uses artificial intelligence to locate hotspots, i.e. places, where air pollution occurs. In line with the idea of modern cities (Smart City) and the implementation of drone technology, we increase the level of safety by supporting local services with aerial monitoring.


Stationary system can be installed on buildings or immovable, so you can find out what is the state of air in critical places of your city.
Mobile system is used for effective measurement of linear pollution resulting from traffic.


The drone system allows for instant, precise and effective diagnosis anywhere. A swarm of drones will precisely pinpoint the source of the problem and diagnose its impact on the surrounding area.



Monitoring and Training Centers provide data for security, environmental protection, mapping based on photogrammetric data. The Monitoring and Training Center consists of such components as: data acquisition, data processing, data presentation and training.


We are a partner for Local Government Units. We implement comprehensive solutions based on Spatial Information Systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). Our solutions are designed to help protect the environment, facilitate the management of urban infrastructure and improve the safety of residents.


We offer numerous services aimed at business customers. Thanks to the use of modern unmanned technologies and innovative analytical procedures we can help optimize technological processes and reduce operating costs.

We perform inventories and photogrammetric monitoring, 3d models of objects, technical inspections using thermal and daylight cameras.


Based on the latest scientific research we conduct ad hoc and periodic monitoring of the condition of agricultural and forest crops. By using high-end multispectral cameras we can accurately determine the growth and vegetation rates of plants, effectively detect the occurrence of pests in forests, monitor the condition of flood banks and help in the protection of valuable natural species occurring in wetlands.


With a nationwide network of field teams, we can produce aerial photo or video documentation using drones (UAV) in any part of the country. We provide raw material or finished photos and/or videos.

February 25, 2022

We're going to the Dubai Exhibition

Dronpol will take part in the Middle East Energy exhibition in Dubai on 7-9 March 2022. Together with selected companies representing the Silesian agglomeration, we invite you to our stand, where we will present the latest drone technologies. You will be able to get to know it better with our products: Monitoring and Training Center and a Multidimensional Air Quality Diagnostic System. See you later!
October 12, 2021

Upcoming aviation event entitled. "Silesian days of aviation and drones".

We would like to inform you that the Silesian Days of Aviation and Drones will be held on 8th of October this year.

Silesian Aviation Cluster announced that the conference will be attended by entities related to the unmanned aircraft industry. This meeting will be a continuation of discussions and considerations undertaken during the two previous editions of the event. One of the main issues discussed during the previous event was the drone industry, in particular, the benefits and opportunities arising from the use of drones in the future. The motto of the third edition of the event will be the aerospace, drone and space industries as economic sectors enabling the development of the region.

The event is organized with the support of the Marshal Office of Silesia.

Aerospace industry, and in particular the construction and production of unmanned aerial vehicles has great economic potential that is worth developing, because in this field there are great opportunities to achieve global success. In the Silesia Voivodeship many entities related to drones run their businesses, and additionally, many of them are members of the Silesian Aviation Cluster. This gives the possibility of joint action and joining forces in order to achieve competitive advantage on the domestic and international market. Involvement in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles mainly brings great opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized companies, and thus also increases the economic development in the region of Silesia. During this year's edition of the event will also take up the subject of international and intersectoral cooperation of the aviation industry, including drones, with the defense and space industries.

Due to the epidemic situation, the event will be held in offline and online formula.

We invite you to participate!
September 14, 2021

Dronpol is a guest of the conference "Together to fight for clean air in Beskidy"!

Recently, a particular problem associated with the implementation of the municipalities' own tasks has become the enforcement of regulations governing the conditions for environmental protection and emissions of harmful dusts and gases from individual heating systems resulting from the burning of waste.

The culmination of the last months of hard work in the promotion of environmental awareness was for us to participate in the conference "Together to fight for clean air in Beskidy". The event was an opportunity to discuss proposals for activities related to the reduction of low emissions, bringing closer and explaining the institution of CEEB, support for pro-ecological initiatives.

Honorary Patronage:

Honorary patronage of the Marshal of the Silesian Province: Jakub Chełstowski
The Mayor of Cieszyn District: Mieczysław Szczurek
Mayor of Ustroń: Przemysław Korcz
General Inspector of Building Control: Dorota Cabańska

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